
Justice Cannabis Co. Is Doing Good With Justice Serves

Justice Cannabis Co.  Is Doing Good With Justice Serves

At the heart of Justice Cannabis Co., we’re a collective of people who care. We started this company because we care about spreading good feelings and helping others find a healthier way of living. We know the benefits of medical marijuana, so we created a business that focuses on education and justice surrounding the industry, however, the work we do goes beyond the products we curate. The people of Justice Cannabis Co.  want to make a difference in the lives of others, which is where Justice Serves comes in.

Justice Serves is a program we have worked into our organization that is all about promoting community service. Because helping others and giving back to the community can be just as healing and gratifying as vacation time, this program gives our employees an extra 16 hours of paid time off to volunteer. There are several non-profit organizations that have joined us as community partners so that doing good with Justice Serves is a natural extension of our company. 

Examples of Doing Good With Justice Serves

We are extremely proud of our people and what they do to uphold our mission and values. They deserve recognition for their acts of kindness, so we are here to brag.

One of our beloved pharmacists, Jennifer Domzalski, volunteered her time to help administer COVID-19 vaccines at a local PA high school. On March 14, 2021, during a time when the entire country was working together to build herd immunity through vaccination, her volunteer group managed to vaccinate 1000 people in the community, and Jenn was personally responsible for 374 of those shots. She and her team worked tirelessly from 7 AM to 4 PM, ensuring all the vaccines were distributed. “Being able to give back and provide a much-needed service to so many in need, is such a humbling experience,” said Jenn, regarding her time as a volunteer. Her dedication to this cause is impressive, but it didn’t end there.

On April 11, 2021, Jenn returned to dutifully administer more doses. This time, she and her team, which included many of her students, outdid themselves by giving out an impressive 1255 vaccines. Of course, the work still doesn’t end there; she will be back on April 25 to continue doing her part to help us overcome this pandemic. Jenn is one of our star examples of doing good with Justice Serves. 

Our people are an invaluable asset to Justice Cannabis Co.  because they lead by example. They are outstanding citizens, and we are humbled to have them as a part of the Justice Cannabis Co.  family. Not only do they serve as examples for members of the community, but they inspire us every day to be our best selves. Justice Serves is simply our way to help them do what they love, which is helping other people.

Keywords: Justice Cannabis Co., Justice Serves, community service, helping others, giving back to the community, time off to volunteer, non-profit organizations, covid-19 vaccines, PA high school, pandemic, 


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