
Justice Grown CEO Darin Carpenter Interviewed for Cannabis Dispensary Mag

Justice Grown’s CEO Darin Carpenter recently sat down to speak with Cannabis Dispensary Magazine about the company’s upcoming plans for Missouri and Utah. As reported previously, Justice Grown recently won 11 licenses in Missouri (3 for cultivation, 3 for production, and 5 for dispensaries), and also recently was awarded 2 dispensary licenses in Utah. Carpenter spoke to writer Melissa Schiller about the new ventures. Check out an excerpt below:

CBT: What are some of the immediate next steps for the company as it works to become operational in Missouri?

DC: With our licensed footprint, we expect to hire several hundred employees across the state. Things that we plan on doing during the hiring process are job fairs and educational symposiums that let those that are interested in Justice Grown or maybe the industry as a whole have access to us and have a place to communicate with the local team and some of the management, and submit a resume to apply for a position within the organization.

CBT: How does Missouri’s nascent medical cannabis market compare to Utah’s, where the company also holds licenses?

DC: Utah is slightly behind Missouri in patient count, [and] the Utah market is still being developed. The state’s doing a great job. We met with them two weeks ago. They’re looking at ways to bolster the education and the ability for those interested in becoming a patient to have access to cannabis.

In terms of each state’s regulatory framework, Utah has a much smaller list of qualifying conditions for one to garner access to cannabis. They require, at the dispensaries, for a pharmacist to be on staff. You cannot smoke flower. You cannot combust flower. You can’t have traditional edibles and gummies—you can only have a gelatinous cube. If someone preferred to not smoke and ingest THC and CBD through other mechanisms, the way products are sold, there’s some significant differences there. Most products are sold in single-dose increments.

All indication from the state is that they’re going to work with the industry as they gain their own knowledge and understanding of how the industry works and how patients can best consume cannabis and the best ways to provide access and how to bolster the program, whereas Missouri seems to have a well thought-out strategy that’s a bit more traditional to some of the other regions that have launched—[it has] a more significant list of qualifying conditions [and] more product pipelines are allowed in the state of Missouri. There are some pretty significant differences, but as an organization, we’re very honored to be a part of both of these states’ cannabis programs.

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